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PWT SEO - SEO extension of Joomla 2.0.0

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Real-time SEO score checks in Joomla

Real-time SEO score checks in Joomla​

PWT SEO is checking the SEO score of your Joomla content real-time. After setting a keyword or key-phrase the Joomla SEO extension will provide clear hints to improve the organic SEO score for the content of your Joomla site. PWT SEO will give the content a score between 0 and 100.

Improve the SEO copywriting of your Joomla site​

PWT SEO analyses the entire pages of your site, not just the articles. Modules, menus or any other content on the page will be used to calculate the SEO score for a page. PWT SEO checks pages like a search engine to help you improve the SEO.
Improve the SEO of your Joomla pages

SEO checks for Joomla articles

SEO checks for Joomla articles​

Live score calculations while editing Joomla articles. PWT SEO is fully integrated with the Joomla article manager. While editing an article the “SEO Score tab” will be visible with the current score that is updated real-time. The content of the tab will provide hints about how to improve the Joomla SEO.

SEO checks for Joomla menu-items​

The same SEO Score tab is available for menu-items. Set a keyword for the menu-item and PWT SEO will calculate the score for the page. The menu-type of the page does not matter, PWT SEO will show this tab for any menu-item, also for third-party Joomla extensions.
SEO checks for Joomla menu-items

SEO checks for any URL

SEO checks for any URL​

With the “Custom URL’s” option in PWT SEO you can analyse the SEO score for any URL of your website. Enter the URL of the page, set a keyword and let PWT SEO do the work. Especially useful for content without a menu-item or generated by third-party Joomla extensions.

Google Search results preview​

A real-time preview about how your page will be visible in the Google search results is displayed in the SEO Score tab. This helps your content editors to check if the page title, meta description and URL are correctly configured for the page.
Google Search results preview

Easy override of search results & Open Graph data

Easy override of search results & Open Graph data​

No need to go to another location in the Joomla site to change the page title. Simply change it from the SEO Score tab in the backend. Easily target content by setting platform specific titles and descriptions.

Keyword suggestions​

PWT SEO will provide a list of the most common words on your page. Just click on a word to set it as main SEO keyword to calculate the SEO score.
Keyword suggestions

One-page overview of keywords & score

One-page overview of keywords & score​

The PWT SEO backend component provides an overview of all articles, custom URLs and Menus with an SEO keyword or key-phrase configured. It will display the keyword and actual score of the content. Easily find pages that can use some SEO love.
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