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TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software

Nulled TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software 2.3.4

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TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - CodeCanyon Item for Sale

System Requirements:​

  • PHP Version: 8.2.4
  • MySql version 8.0.33
  • Server: Apache/NGINX, Dedicated Server or VPS root access or AWS Server
  • CURL PHP Extension
  • GD library

Amazing Features for Professionals:​

  • Quick Signup/Login: Professional can sign up/login with registered mobile number.
  • Category List: Service Provider can choose your category and subcategory list.
  • Subscription: While posting a service, Provider must choose the subscription.
  • Post a Service: Professionals can post your services in detailed information about what you are going to provide the services.
  • Service Locations: Professionals can set service locations in single click.
  • Chat System: After booking, confirmed customers and providers can communicate via chat system.
  • My Service: Here a provider has an option to view our own service, also able to active/inactive the services.
  • Booking List: Professionals can check booking status whether it is completed or in-progress or cancelled.
  • Notifications: Once the customer is booked the service, Provider will receive the notifications.
  • Wallet/Amount Withdraw: At any time Service providers are able to withdraw the payment from wallet to stripe account.
And much more…..

Booking for Users:​

  • Location Based Search: Users can book service nearby locations.
  • Choose Category: Customers can choose the relevant category based on your service needs.
  • OTP based Signup/Login: Customers can Sign Up/login with a registered mobile number.
  • Time Slots: Here customer can see the service provider’s availability timing; based on your convenience time, we can book service
  • Notifications: Once the service has finished, you will receive the notifications in your dashboard.
  • Chat System: Once the booking is confirmed you can communicate to the service provider via chat system.
  • Booking Status: In this menu, customers can easily check the booking status.
  • Wallet Transaction: If a customer wants to book a service, the customer must add the payment, that payment will be credited to the customer’s wallet.
  • Payment Gateway: We have integrated the stripe payment gateway. Customer can make the payment through stripe, after detecting the stripe’s charges remaining payment will be credited to the customer’s wallet.
And much more…

Admin Features:​

  • Category/Sub Category: Admin can add multiple category and sub category list.
  • Subscription: Admin can add/Edit the multiple subscription lists.
  • Users List: Admin has an option to view all customer lists, also he is able to block the customers.
  • Service Provider List: Admin can view all the service provider’s list and detailed information like subscription plan, Reg date and etc.,
  • Service List: Admin can view all service lists, also you are able to make active/inactive the service.
  • Payment Transaction: Admin can track all the payment transaction details.
  • Wallet Transaction: Admin has an option to view all the wallet transaction history.
And much more…


  • Admin user with Access privilege
    TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 4
  • Forgot password in Admin Dashboard
    TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 5
  • Enquiry option in Contact us page
    TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 6
  • Email Template in Admin Dashboard
    TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 7
  • Multiple Payment Gateways
    TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 8
  • Cluster Map in Admin Dashboard
    TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 9
  • SEO improvements
    TruelySell - Multi Vendor Online Service Booking Marketplace and Nearby Service Finder Software (Web - 10


  • Fully responsive
  • Stripe Payment Gateway
  • Simple and Powerful Chat Option
  • Option to choose Providers
  • Super Admin | Vendor Dashboard
  • Subscription Module
  • SMS Notifications
  • Add Multiple Category list
  • Featured Category list
  • Most popular services list
  • OTP Based Signup/login
  • Wallet Module
  • Review system
  • Location based search
  • User friendly design
  • Manage Business Hours
  • Accept/Reject service
  • Multiple Service Listing
  • Instant Booking approvals
  • Booking list history
  • Active/Inactive services
  • Add/Edit/Delete service details
  • Profile Settings
  • Service provider’s Registration date & last seen timing options
  • Book the service in single click
  • Email Settings
  • Payment Gateway settings
  • Easy to find all booking status
  • User Friendly Code
  • Cross browser support
  • SEO Friendly URLs
  • Individual Dashboard for Customer & Service providers
  • Admin General Settings


  • Booking System
  • Wallet System
  • Review System
  • COD
  • Subscriptions
  • Email
  • SMS
  • Chat System
  • User Management
  • SEO
  • Blog
  • Cache System
  • Multi Currency
  • Multi Language
  • Payout
  • Google Map
  • Bank Transfer
  • Theme Settings
  • Membership System
  • Wallet System
  • Refund
  • Abuse Reports


  • General Settings
  • System Settings
  • Localization
  • Login Settings
  • Email Settings
  • SMS Settings
  • SEO Settings
  • Service Settings
  • Payment Settings
  • Chat Settings
  • Language Settings
  • GDPR Cookie Settings
  • Currency Settings
  • Theme Settings
  • Cache Settings
  • Profile Settings
  • Pages Settings


  • Stripe
  • Paypal
  • Razorpay
  • Paystack
  • Paysolution
  • Midtrans
  • Flutterwave
  • Iyzico
  • Bank Transfer
  • COD
  • Wallet


  • Nexmo
  • 2Factor
  • Twilio


  • PHP Mail
  • SMTP
  • Sendgrid
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Latest updates

  1. 2.3.4 (28 March 2024)

    Web Application:- Fixed : Home Page Header & Footer Multiple Language Issue - Fixed : Editor...
  2. Broken Link Fix

    Web Application: - Fixed: Language Updates - Added: Chat Delete - Fixed: Booking Cancelled -...