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WP-Optimize Premium

Nulled WP-Optimize Premium 3.3.0

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* FEATURE: Premium - Ability to preload and purge caches from individual post/page
* FIX: Premium - Unused Images - Recognise Elementor's Container, and Section widget background images
* FIX: Avoid having repeated minified scripts in the same bundle, it breaks the code in some specific cases
* FIX: Cache - TranslatePress compatibility - Post updates purges cache for all related translated languages
* FIX: Only try to parse canonical URLs if there is a path or querystring, needed for WPML with multi-domain compatibility
* TWEAK: Add cron de-scheduling of all wpo_* events during plugin uninstall
* TWEAK: Cache - Always add source code comment about page not being cached, but only add details when WP_DEBUG is ON
* TWEAK: Cache - Fix issue with excluding encoded (non-latin) URLs
* TWEAK: Do not attempt to close browser connection when the context is not an AJAX action
* TWEAK: Minify - Logging more information about why minify static assets cache gets invalidated and regenerated
* TWEAK: Revert to the original `matthiasmullie/minify` repository after confirming resolution of previous issues
* TWEAK: Setup Cron job to clear failed smush tasks from DB
* TWEAK: Using clear text user agent strings instead of regular expressions to identify web browsers for improved clarity
* TWEAK: Updater library in the Premium version updated to the current release series
  • * TWEAK: Cache - Show a notice in the admin if the config file is missing and caching is enabled
  • * TWEAK: Added support for new emoji styles related hooks introduced in WordPress 6.4
  • * TWEAK: Database - Fix "Optimize database tables" stuck loading state
  • * TWEAK: Premium - Cache - Style improvement for the select2 box from advanced cache settings
  • * TWEAK: Premium - Images - Fix issues with avif images in the unused images feature
  • * REFACTOR: Wrapping most of the external links in the WPO settings pages with the appropriate function
  • * REFACTOR: Remove unused code