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Nulled Repairer Pro 3.6

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Quick Installation Guide​

Download .zip package
Upload it to your server
Extract the package
Run the uploaded url via browser (EXAMPLE.COM/RMS/INSTALL). Here you have to provide the settings for RMS:
  • Hostname : database host name / IP
  • Database Name : create a mysql database for RMS on your host and write that name here
  • Database username : username of the created database (if applicable)
  • Database password : password of the created database

Backend – Admin:​

  1. Point Of Sale
  2. Dashboard (graphical report)
  3. General settings (system customization)
  4. Client management
  5. Reparation management
  6. Inventory Management
  7. Purchases Management
  8. Taxes, Models, Categories etc.
  9. Graphical Reports ( Stock & Finance )
  10. Sales Reports
  11. Drawer Reports
  12. Report table export to XLS & PDF


  • Reparation Status
  • Login

Notification/ Alert System​

Notify clients with their reparation status via E-Mail or SMS


Want to know more about Repairer? Please read our Documentation

How to Update? </2>​

Change Log 3.5 to 3.6​

  1. Download v3.6
  2. Take Database & Files Backup.
  3. Extract 3.6 files in place of 3.5
  4. Copy application/config/database.php from 3.5 backup to 3.6
  5. Copy application/config/config.php from 3.5 backup to 3.6
  6. Copy assets/uploads from 3.5 to 3.6
  7. Run following in PhpMyAdmin.
  8. \
ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `open_report_on_repair_add` BOOLEAN NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `hide_repair_fields` LONGTEXT NULL AFTER `open_report_on_repair_add`;
ALTER TABLE `purchases` ADD `return_id` INT NULL AFTER `attachment`, ADD `surcharge` DECIMAL(24,2) NULL AFTER `return_id`, ADD `return_purchase_ref` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `surcharge`, ADD `purchase_id` INT NULL AFTER `return_purchase_ref`, ADD `return_purchase_total` DECIMAL(24,2) NULL AFTER `purchase_id`;
ALTER TABLE `purchases` ADD `rma_number` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `return_purchase_total`, ADD `return_status` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `rma_number`, ADD `provider` VARCHAR(255) NULL AFTER `return_status`;
ALTER TABLE `purchases` ADD `track_code` VARCHAR(255) NULL;
ALTER TABLE `order_ref` ADD `rep` INT NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' AFTER `re`;
ALTER TABLE `purchase_items` ADD `purchase_item_id` INT NULL AFTER `unit_cost`;
UPDATE `settings` SET `version` = '3.6';
UPDATE `settings` SET `hide_repair_fields` = '{\"expected_close_date\":\"1\",\"error_code\":\"1\",\"date_of_purchase\":\"1\",\"has_warranty\":\"1\",\"warranty\":\"1\",\"warranty_card_number\":\"1\",\"repair_type\":\"1\",\"client_date\":\"1\"}' WHERE `settings`.`id` = 1;
UPDATE `date_format` SET `js` = UPPER(`js`)

Change Log 3.2 to 3.5​

  1. Download v3.5
  2. Take Database & Files Backup.
  3. Extract 3.5 files in place of 3.2
  4. Copy application/config/database.php from 3.2 backup to 3.5
  5. Copy application/config/config.php from 3.2 backup to 3.5
  6. Copy assets/uploads from 3.2 to 3.5
  7. Run the Update35.sql in PhpMyAdmin. Download here:

Change Log 3.1 to 3.2​

- Bugs Fixed
- added PHP Mailer

  1. Download v3.2
  2. Take Database & Files Backup.
  3. Extract 3.2 files in place of 3.1
  4. Copy application/config/database.php from 3.1 backup to 3.2
  5. Copy application/config/config.php from 3.1 backup to 3.2
  6. Copy assets/uploads from 3.1 to 3.2
  7. Run the following sql in PhpMyAdmin.
  8. ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `smtp_crypto` VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL AFTER `smtp_port`;
    ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `enable_overselling` BOOLEAN NOT NULL AFTER `invoice_email_text`;
    ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `sms_caller_id` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL AFTER `enable_overselling`;
    UPDATE `settings` SET `version` = '3.2' WHERE `settings`.`id` = 1;

Change Log 3.1 to 3.2​

- Bugs Fixed

  1. Download v3.1
  2. Take Database & Files Backup.
  3. Extract 3.1 files in place of 3.0
  4. Copy application/config/database.php from 3.0 backup to 3.1
  5. Copy application/config/config.php from 3.0 backup to 3.1
  6. Copy assets/uploads from 3.0 to 3.1
  7. Run the following sql in PhpMyAdmin.
  8. ALTER TABLE `inventory` CHANGE `model_id` `model_id` INT(11) NULL, CHANGE `model_name` `model_name` VARCHAR(40) CHARACTER SET utf8mb4 COLLATE utf8mb4_unicode_ci NULL;
    ALTER TABLE `clients` ADD `where_you_hear_about_us` VARCHAR(250) NOT NULL AFTER `image`;
    ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `sale_email_text` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `default_http_api`;
    ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `email_footer` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `sale_email_text`;
    ALTER TABLE `settings` ADD `invoice_email_text` TEXT NOT NULL AFTER `email_footer`;

Change Log 2.2 to 3.0​

- Add Image in Inventory Table
- Fix Barcode Problem in Print Barcodes Inventory
- Update Repair Statuses (Completed checkbox thing)
- Fix any calculation issue for repairs with tax
- Settings -> order & reparation -> categories: can add category but disappears after saving
- Purchases -> download pdf : rounds up numbers, 2 decimals would be needed
- editing purchases: When it was set up as ordered and I go back editing to mark it as arrived or trying to do any modifications to it its not possible
- POS Open/Close Drawer different coins in settings
- Add SMSInfo.API android Gateway
- Add Original Nexmo API
- Add Pattern/Pin Lock System
- Warranty System
- Document Sign
- Calendar Widget show repairs too
- Add Reparation ITEMS change quantity and price
- Add Reparation Payments
- Add Sales Payments.
- Remove Advance Scene
- Add Paid System
- Import/Export Systems Customers
- Forgot password email system
- Activity Log
- Add Table State Save based on users
- custom sms api function.
- Permission Lang
- And the tax is not appearing in POS invoice.
- Change status directly from table
- And Much More

  1. Download v3.0
  2. Take Database & Files Backup.
  3. Extract 3.0 files in place of 2.2
  4. Copy application/config/database.php from 2.2 backup to 3.0
  5. Copy application/config/config.php from 2.2 backup to 3.0
  6. Copy assets/uploads from 2.2 to 3.0
  7. Create a folder named “signs” in assets/uploads
  8. Run the Update30.sql in PhpMyAdmin. Download here:

Change Log 1.1 to 2.2​

- Added composer
- Replaced phpexcel with phpSpreadsheet
- Added Reparation in Client view modal
- Added Links on Client Name And Reparation code.
- Remove Tax Rate Required Attribute
- Add Assigned To field
- Added Manufacturer field
- Added 3 Reports And Invoice Templates
- Add Barcode Generator for reparations
- Added different views for completed & pending repairs
- Add autocompletion to defect & category
- Add expected close date
- Add Imei to autofill repair details
- Add numeric codes for repairs
- And Much More

  1. Download v2.2
  2. Take Database & Files Backup.
  3. Extract 2.2 files in place of 1.1
  4. Copy application/config/database.php from 1.1 backup to 2.2
  5. Copy application/config/config.php from 1.1 backup to 2.2
  6. Copy assets/uploads from 1.1 to 2.2
  7. Create a folder named “backgrounds” in assets/uploads
  8. Run the Update.sql in PhpMyAdmin. Download here: 2.2.sql